Thursday, November 12, 2009

Latin Subjunctive

I have tried to learn Latin several times before in my life but had failed all the time until recently. I found the following fact in my recent x-th time trial.

The subjunctive mood (subjunctive) should be learned first in Latin grammar (for the purpose of understanding what is written in Latin) because

1) subjunctive is very frequently used in sentences in Latin.

2) It is generally difficult to guess the meanings of Latin sentences having subjunctive by using
your knowledge of English as basically there are no subjunctive in English (no subjunctive in Japanese and Chinese either) (I am Japanese living in Hong Kong).

So without some knowledge of the subjunctive it is very difficult to understand the meanings of most sentences you encounter.

As subjunctive is usually introduced at some later part in a Latin grammar text book it is recommended to start reading a text book backward if you failed or gave up repeatedly in learning Latin like me.


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