Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Italian verbs governing <a> and <di> - 3 (with an object noun / pronoun)

From my Italian Drill Book

incorragiare a (this should be incorragiare qn a) (*)
inseganre a (this should be insegnare qn a) (*)
invitare a (this should be invitare qn a) (*)
mandare a - Note -1

dire di   to tell someone to do something (this should be <dire a qn di fare qc>)

domadare di (this should be domandare qn di or no <+ infinitive use>) - Note -2
pemerettere di (this should be permettere a qn di) (*)
pregare di (this should be pregare qn di) (*)
proibire di (this should be proibire a qn di) (*)

From Collins Dictionary Grammar Section

Pattern A
1) abituare qn a infin
2) aiutare qn a infin
3) inncorragiare qn a infin (*)
4) invitare qn a infin (*)
5) obrigare qn a infin
6) pregare qn a infin (*)
7) preparere qn a infin
8) spingere qn a infin

Pattern B

1) acusare qn di infin
2) convincere qn di infin
3) forzare qn di infin
4) impedire qn di infin
5) ingrazare qn di inifn

Pattern C

1) insegnare a qn a infin (*)

Pattern D

1) chiedere a qn di infin
2) consentire a qn di infin
3) consigliare a qn di infin
4) ordenare a qn di infin
5) perdonare a qn di (perf.) infin
6) permettere a qn di infin (*)
7) proibire a qn di infin (*)
8) vietare a qn di infin

Pattern D.

we have checked the following patters before (Italian verbs governing <a> and <di> - 1)

consentire qc a qn --> consentire a qn di infin
consigliare qc a qn --> condigliare a qn di infin
permettere qc a qn --> permettere a qn di infin
promettere qc a qn --> promettere a qn di infin


Any particular differences ? What are in common in each Group ? We saw the followings in the previous posts on this study.

In the post " Intransitive verb + a + infinitive (with no object noun / pronoun)" I wrote


Intransitive verb + <a + infin> is an additional description, usually <in order to do something>. So <a> is regarded as <in order to> but may not be always so.

Io vado a fare qc. (I go to do something.)
Tu vieni a fare qc.. (You come to do something.)

may mean, simply or very generally

Io vado e fare qc. (I go and do something. My Collins dictionary says this way.)


Can we apply this to the above cases of <with an object noun / pronoun> ? The answer seems "No". The sentence structures are fundamentally different. A verb used with an object noun / pronoun is a Transitive verb, not Intransitive verb.


Look at <consentire> Reveso Dictinary



vi, (aus avere)
consentire a qc/a fare qc to agree o consent to sth/to do sth

2 vt
consentire a qn qc/di fare qc   to allow o permit sb sth/to do sth
è un lavoro che non consente distrazioni   you can't afford to be distracted in this kind of job
mi si consenta di ringraziare    I would like to thank ..


In case of Intransitive verb

consentire a fare qc, a + infinitive, and it means

I agree that I do something, or I agree and I will do something

In case of Transitive verb

1) consentire a qn di fare qc, di + infinitive, and it means

I agree that you do or will do something

2) è un lavoro che non consente distrazioni you can't afford to be distracted in this kind of job

how to interpret this Italian sentence and the English translation ?

consentire - conjugation

io consento
tu consenti
lui consente
noi consentiamo
voi consentite
loro consentono

distrazioni (pl) < -- distrazione


a. (caratteristica) absent-mindedness , (disattenzione) carelessness
errori di distrazione slips of the pen, careless mistakes
mi scusi, è stato un attimo di distrazione I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking

b. (divertimento) distraction, amusement, entertainment

In this case a) is applied.

Therefore the more direct translation of the Italian sentence is

This is a kind of job that does not allow (you to do) careless mistake.


3) mi si consenta di ringraziare... I would like to thank ...

This is definitely requires some explanation.

<consenta> in this is subjunctive (would in English)

consentire - Subjunctive (Congiuntivo in Italian)

che io consenta
che tu consenta
che lui consenta
che noi consentiamo
che voi consentiate
che loro consentano

Besides we need what <consentirsi> means and how it is used.

From also Reveso Ditionany

'consentirsi' found in translations in English-Italian dictionary

enable v. 1 (allow) consentire: permettere; garantire


mi si consenta di ringrazziare . . . .

In infinitve <consentarsi (= to allow) mi di ringrazziare . . . .

I also wrote


The difference is obvious and interesting. It seems

cominciare, iniziare, mettersi (to begin) takes <a infin> and

cessare, finire, smettere (to finish, to stop) takes <di infin>.


Can we apply this to the cases of <with an object noun / pronoun> ? The answer seems "No" again. So we must find something else.

Pattern A
1) abituare qn a infin
2) aiutare qn a infin
3) inncorragiare qn a infin
4) invitare qn a infin
5) obrigare qn a infin
6) pregare qn a infin
7) preparere qn a infin
8) spingere qn a infin to urge sb to do

What are common in this Group A ? These are not simply <to start (to do) something> but some still have some connotation of

to do something new - 1) abituare qn a infin, 3) inncorragiare qn a infin (to challenge to do something new) and 7) preparere qn a infin (get s.o. ready to do do).

But mostly <to make someone do something>. <to make s.o. do> is very general and does not require <to infinitive>, and its equivalent Italian is <fare>.

Pattern B

1) acusare qn di infin
2) convincere qn di infin
3) forzare qn di infin
4) impedire qn di infin
5) ingrazare qn di inifn

These, espeially 2) 3) 4), are more closer to <fare (to make)> but require <di infin>.

Pattern C

1) insegnare a qn a infin (*)

Pattern C may not be so common.

Pattern D

1) chiedere a qn di infin
2) consentire a qn di infin
3) consigliare q qn di infin
4) ordenare a qn di infin
5) perdonare a qn di (perf.) infin
6) permettere a qn di infin (*)
7) proibire a qn di infin (*)
8) vietare a qn di infin

Pattern D is most interesting but very complicated as well.

English verb <to ask> is very commonly used while it is not easy to use it correctly for non-English native speakers, I think. So let us study how to use <to ask> and then study some Italian equivalents.

to ask

1 vt

a (inquire) to ask sb sth domandare qc a qn, chiedere qc a qn
to ask sb a question fare una domanda a qn
to ask sb the time chiedere l'ora a qn

b (request) to ask sb for sth/sb to do sth chiedere qc a qn/a qn di fare qc
to ask sb a favour chiedere un piacere or un favore a qn

c (invite) to ask sb to sth/to do sth invitare qn a qc/a fare qc
have you asked Matthew to the party? hai invitato Matthew alla festa?
to ask sb to dinner invitare qn a cena

2 vi (inquire) chiedere , (request) richiedere
to ask about sth informarsi su or di qc
I asked about train times to Leeds mi sono informato sugli orari dei treni per Leeds

As shown in vt - a) in English <to ask> is used as <to ask sb sth> while in Italian <chiedere qc a qn>. <to ask sb sth> is some how a strange structure and very direct. <sb> is originaly <to sb> and <to ask sth to sb> like Italian. <sth> is a Direct onject so <to ask> is Transitive.

<to ask sb a question> is slso strange. Should be <to make a question to sb>. <sb > of <to ask sb a question> is <to sb>. <sb > is regarded as an indirect object but looks like or heard like a direct object. <to ask sb the time> is the same. <to sb> changed to or contracted to <sb> and changed the position. <to ask a question sb> is really strange.

vt - b) in English is more interesting.

to ask sb for sth / to do something - invitare qn a qc / a fare qc (why <a> and not <di> as <chiedere a qn di fare> ?)

In Italian <qn> is a direct object so the verb <invitare> is a Transitive verb. How about English <ask sb> ? If like above -a) if <sb> is an Intransitive object <to ask> here become Intransitive as <to ask> in <to ask for sth> is Intransitive.

<to ask sb a favor> is also strange. But I use <Would you do me a favor ?>often and it can be changed to <I would like to ask you a favor.> and will never use <I would like to ask a favor you.> The word order prevail and the sentence becomes compact and economical.

The Italian equivalent to <to ask> is <chiedere>


1 vt

a (per sapere) to ask , (per avere) to ask for, (intervista) to ask for, request, (intervento, volontari) to call for
chiedere qc a qn to  ask sb for sth, ask sb sth
chiedi a Lidia come si chiama il suo cane   ask Lidia what her dog's called
mi ha chiesto l'ora    he asked me the time
ho chiesto il conto al cameriere   I asked the waiter for the bill
mi ha chiesto degli spiccioli   he asked me for some change
chiedi dov'è l'albergo   ask where the hotel is
chiedersi (se)    to wonder (whether) Vi
mi chiedo cosa stia facendo   I wonder what she's doing
chiedere scusa a qn   to apologize to sb
ho chiesto scusa a Marco   I apologized to Marco
chiedo scusa!   I'm sorry!
chiedere a qn di fare qc o che faccia qc    to ask sb to do sth
chiedi a Giulia di spostarsi un po'    ask Giulia to move over a bit
chiedere il permesso di fare qc to ask permission to do sth
chiedere notizie di qn   to inquire o ask after sb
mi ha chiesto del mio viaggio    he asked me about my trip
ci chiede di partire    he wants us o is asking us to go

b (fraseologia) chiedere il divorzio   to ask for a divorce
chiedere l'elemosina   to beg
chiedere giustizia   to demand justice
chiedere l'impossibile   to ask (for) the impossible
chiedere la mano di qn   to ask for sb's hand in marriage
chiedere la pace    to sue for peace
non chiedo altro   that's all I want
non chiedo altro che partire con te   all I want is to leave with you

2 vi, (aus avere)
chiedere di qn (salute) to ask about o after sb, (al telefono) to ask for sb, want sb, (per vederlo) to ask for sb
tutti i miei amici chiedono di te all my friends are asking after you
c'è un certo Andrea che chiede di te someone called Andrea is looking for you
il padrone chiede di te the boss wants to see you

<chiedere vi> is a rather special meaning.

Back to <to ask> , it works as both Transitive and Intransitive. The Italian equivalent to <to ask about> is translated by using the reflective form of <informarsi>. But <informarsi> is rather special in Italian grammar.


1.  vt to inform, tell
informare qn di qc to inform sb of o about sth, tell sb of o about sth
avete informato la polizia? have you informed the police?

2.  informarsi vip to make inquiries
informarsi di o su   to inquire about, ask about, find out about
mi sono informato sugli orari dei treni   I asked about train times
un'altra volta informati!   next time make sure you're better informed!

vip = verbo inttrasitivo pronimnale. This vip may belong to <Advanced Italina Grammar>. See below if you are interested in vip.


Englsih <to inform> itself is tricky. Like <to rob somebody of something> it is used as

to inform somebody of something

Italian vip form <informarsi> is far more tricky.

How come <informarsi> is equivalent to < to make inquiries>

Others of <verb + qn a/di infin form>

dire (to tell)

dire a qn di fare qc   to tell sb to do sth

to advise

I personnaly use <to advie> much more thna <to ask> in my business e-mails. I think it better to say (write in e-mails). I simply mean <to tell (me), to inform me of> but <to advise> sounds more polite.

Please advise (me) xxxx


I would like to ask (you) xxxx

to advise

a. (counsel) to advise sb (on sth)    consigliare qn (a proposito di qc)
to advise sb to do sth    consigliare a qn di fare qc
to advise sb against sth   sconsigliare qc a qn
to advise against doing sth   sconsigliare a qn di fare qc
he advises the President on foreign affairs    è il consigliere del Presidente in materia di affari esteri
you would be well/ill advised to go   frm faresti bene/male ad andare

b. frm, inform to advise sb of sth avvisare qn di qc

The Italian equivalent is <consigilare>. <to advise spmeone not to do> is <sconsgilare a qn di infin>


insegnare (to tell how to do)

vt to teach
insegnare a qn qc/a fare qc   to teach sb sth/(how) to do sth
mi ha insegnato a suonare la chitarra   he taught me to play the guitar
vi insegno io a comportarvi bene!   I'll teach you how to behave!


vt irreg

a. (gen, consentire) to allow, permit
permettere a qn di fare qc (autorizzare)    to allow o permit sb to do sth, let sb do sth, (dare la possibilità) to enable sb to do sth, (dare il diritto) to entitle sb to do sth
non mi ha permesso di vederla    he didn't allow me to see her

Note - 1

a (gen) to send
mandare qc a qn to send sb sth
manderò una cartolina a Loredana I'll send Loredana a postcard
mi puoi mandare un po' di denaro? can you send me some money?
glielo manderò I'll send it to him
mando sempre una cartolina a tutti i miei amici I always send postcards to all my friends
mandare qc per posta/per via aerea to send sth through the o by post/by air
mandare a chiamare qn to send for sb
mandare a dire (a qn) to send word (to sb)
mandare due righe a qn to drop sb a line
mandare qn in prigione to send sb to prison
mandare un bacio a qn to blow sb a kiss
mandare in pezzi (vaso, vetro) to shatter
mandare in rovina to ruin
che Dio ce la mandi buona! God help us!

Note -2


1 vt

a (per sapere, ora, nome, indirizzo) to ask
domandare qc a qn to ask sb sth
mi ha domandato l'ora he asked me the time
mi ha domandato se volevo andare alla festa he asked me if I wanted to go to the party

b (per ottenere, informazione, consiglio, aiuto) to ask for
domandare qc a qn to ask sb for sth
domandare il permesso di o per fare qc to ask permission to do sth
domandare scusa a qn to beg sb's pardon, say sorry to sb
domandare un favore a qn to ask sb a favour, ask a favour of sb
domandare la parola to ask leave o permission to speak

c domandarsi to wonder, ask o.s.
mi domando dove possa essere I wonder where it can be
mi domando e dico perché devo rimanere qua? why on earth have I got to stay here?

2 vi, (aus avere)
domandare di qn (chiedere come sta) to ask after sb
mi ha domandato di te she asked after you, (voler vedere o parlare a) to ask for sb
c'è un signore che domanda di te (al telefono) there's a gentleman asking to speak to you, (voler vedere) there's a gentleman asking to speak to o see you

domandare non si traduce mai con la parola inglese demand


Monday, March 29, 2021

イタリア語の再帰動詞 番外編 -1、自動詞 <-> 他動詞変換

少し前のポスト ”イタリア語の再帰動詞-3 (自動詞、他動詞)” 読み返してみると<ここではこれ以上は追及しない>ととか言ってギブアップしている箇所がいくつかある。このポストの番外編として<これ以上追及してみる>。まずは<番外編 -1>として下記の箇所を引用する。

chiedersi    to wonder 

chiedersi は文字通りでは<自分自身に問う>だが to wander (what, who, how) の構文に対応する。

Non c'è nulla da chiedersi,
There's nothing to wonder about.

Quei soldati ora cominciano a chiedersi per quanto tempo dovranno restare.
Those soldiers are only now beginning to wonder how long they'll end up staying.

A questo punto, bisogna anche chiedersi chi è rimasto.
At this point, you got to wonder who's even left.

だが to wander if / whether 相応の例文がみあたらない。chiedersi と to wonder は語感的には相当違う。逆に to wonder if を英伊辞典(Reveso Contex)で例文を調べてみると

Started to wonder if you were still interested.
(È un po' che non avevo tue notizie, ) iniziavo a chiedermi se fossi ancora interessato.

Then I began to wonder if I was cursed or perhaps blessed.
Poi iniziai a chiedermi se fossi maledetto o... piuttosto benedetto.

I'm beginning to wonder if they care.
Inizio a chiedermi se gli interessi.

などがあるが、どういうわけか iniziare a chedersi se の例文が多い。そして
iniziare a chedersi se ではすべての例文が一人称の chiedermi se となっている。おもしろいがここではこれ以上は調べない。


(È un po' che non avevo tue notizie, ) iniziavo a chiedermi se fossi ancora interessato.

un po' che non は二重否定でややこしい。

È un po' che non Io vedo.
I haven't seen him around in a while. (Reverso)



iniziavo a chiedermi se fossi ancora interessato.

の部分だが iniziavo も chiederemi も一人称。fossi はessere の二人称不完全過去形(Imperfetto)ただし、io fossi, tu fossi, lei fossi と活用する。。

さてイタリア語の再帰動詞-3 (自動詞、他動詞)” 読み返してみたのは、最近

 informarsi      to inquire

という英語訳に遭遇したからだ。Reveso Dictionary にあったてみると


1       vt   to inform, tell  
informare qn di qc      to inform sb of o about sth, tell sb of o about sth  
avete informato la polizia?      have you informed the police?  
2    informarsi      vip   to make inquiries  
informarsi di o su      to inquire about, ask about, find out about  
mi sono informato sugli orari dei treni      I asked about train times  
un'altra volta informati!      next time make sure you're better informed!  
informarsi di o su      to inquire about, ask about, find out about  
to inform someone of something

to inform something to someone
to inform someone something (to inform him this)
で of something (this) は日本語からは出てこない。これでは試験ではバツをもらうので to inform someone of something と覚えることになる。 イタリア人ならこの問題は生じない。
再帰動詞 informarsi  = to make inquiries
の英語はイタリア人泣かせか?すくなくとも再帰動詞 informarsi は日本人泣かせだ。

だが少しよく考えて見ると<知らせる>は<知る>とどういう関係にあるのか?<知らせる>は普通は<誰々知るようにする>ことだ。informarsi は<自分自身知るようにする>で、見方を変えれば to make inquiries(たずねる)になる。だが、なにかゴマカシのようだ。
avete informato la polizia?      have you informed the police?  

これは<xx を>がないが、こだわることはないだろう。イタリア語、英語からすれば di qc、of something は了解していれば絶対必要というわけではない。

  informarsi      vip   to make inquiries 
vip = verbi intransitivi proniminali
informarsi di o su      to inquire about, ask about, find out about


英語の to inquire, to ask, to find は自動詞とみなし、そのままでは直接目的語がとれない。そして
to inquire about, ask about, find out about 

のようのあとに about をつけて目的語をとる。似たようなのに to think abut it がある。一方イタリア語の方は

informmare は基本的に他動詞で目的語 si (自分自身)をとり、informmarsi で自動詞となる。これが verbi intransitivi proniminali = vip の由来。informmarsi は自動詞なので目的語をとるためには前置詞が必要だ。したがって di または su が自動詞(informmarsi)のあと、目的語の前にくる。informmarsiは再帰形なので、再帰の意味(自分自身に知らせる)を残しているが、この再帰の意味は弱く、上で示した<自分自身知るようにする>の意にもなり、これはこれまた上で書いたようにゴマカシノうよであるが to inquire about になり、再帰性が弱くなる。
似ているが別の見方もある。英語の to inquire about, ask about, find out about  は受験英語では熟語動詞(熟語動詞か)と呼ばれているようだが、to inquire, to ask, to find は自他兼用だ。英語ではこれが多い。 to find はあきらかに他動詞(to find it)のようだが、to find out のto find は自動詞扱いだ(これは大きな疑問が残る)。一方
to inquire about, ask about, find out about
の熟語動詞は前置詞、副詞を動詞に含めれば(これが熟語動詞)他動詞で直接目的語(xxを)をとり、他動詞とみなせる。いわば<自動詞 ‐> 他動詞変換>と言える。 

informare  他動詞 -> infomarsi  自動詞 -> informarsi di (熟語動詞として)他動詞
このような芸当(げいとう)ができるには再帰代名詞が si, ti, si, ci, vi と一音節で短いからだ。英語のxx-self、日本語では短い自分、自身、<おのれ>でも長すぎる。

日本語は<たずねる>、<問う>が相当するが、複合動詞(一種の熟語動詞)に<問い合わせる>がある。<問う>は他動詞、<合わせる>も他動詞、そして<問い合わせる>も他動詞だ。そして多くは<xx に y yを問い合わせる>で使う。

mi sono informato sugli orari dei treni      I asked about train times 
un'altra volta informati!      next time make sure you're better informed!  


to wonder にもどると、domandarsi というイタリア語にも to wonder が振り当てられている。


1       vt  

a      (per sapere, ora, nome, indirizzo)    to ask  
domandare qc a qn      to ask sb sth  
mi ha domandato l'ora      he asked me the time  
mi ha domandato se volevo andare alla festa      he asked me if I wanted to go to the party  
b      (per ottenere, informazione, consiglio, aiuto)    to ask for  
domandare qc a qn      to ask sb for sth  
domandare il permesso di o per fare qc      to ask permission to do sth  
domandare scusa a qn      to beg sb's pardon, say sorry to sb  
domandare un favore a qn      to ask sb a favour, ask a favour of sb  
domandare la parola      to ask leave o permission to speak  
c    domandarsi      to wonder, ask o.s.  
mi domando dove possa essere      I wonder where it can be  
mi domando e dico perché devo rimanere qua?      why on earth have I got to stay here?  

ところで、英語の to wonder は日常会話では to want to know の意で使われるので答えないといけない。






Friday, March 26, 2021

<そなえる>は他動詞、自動詞? <xx にそなえる>

今は<そなえる>よりも<準備する>が優勢だ。<準備>は文字通りでは<準じて備(そな)える>、さらには<(xx に)したがってそなえる>。<したがって>、<したがう>は<したく>と関連がありそうだが、これはあと回しする。<そなえる>はクセモノで

xx をそなえる








I will prepare some water(水を準備、用意しておく、そなえておく)
I will prepare for an unexpected failure. (予期せぬ失敗にそなえておく)

英語に準じれば<そなえる>も自他兼用でもよさそう。手もとの牛津(Oxford)英漢辞典は慎重というか shrewd というか自他動詞の区別はせず、<V+N>、<V + 前置詞>として解説している。<V + 前置詞>の V を自動詞とはしていないのだ。

さて、<戦争に備える>以下の<xx に備える>の<に>はなにか? <に>は格助詞で<学校に行く>の<に>。方向や行先を示すようだが(Wikiによれば<指向性>)、多用途といっていい。英語だと to prepare for、to get ready for で for (のために)に使われるようだ。日本語では<xx があった場合のために>でよさそう。だが戦争、地震、原発事故、万一(のこと)、災害の場合はいいが、食事と冬は具合が悪い。もっとも日本語でも<食事にそなえる>とは、特殊の場合以外は、言わない。<食事をそなえる>も<食事を供える>になって具合がわるい。 <食事を準備する>、<食事の準備をする>ならいい。一方<冬を準備する>はダメ。<冬の準備をする>ならいい。並べてみると







以外の<xx を準備する>はおかしい。








something to eat


qualcosa di mangaire でも qualcosa a mangaire でもなく、慣用的に qualcosa da mangaire という。そして、手もとの辞書によれば<食事を準備する>、<食事の準備をする>は

preparare da mangiare

となっている。さらに自分は食事をする準備ができている場合(I am ready to eat, to take a meal)は

prepararsi a mangiare







 <したく>と<したがって>の<したがう>が関係がありそうだが、<したく>と関係が強いのは<したてる(仕立てる)>だ。<したてる>は<服をしたてる>、今はありあわせでまにあわせるが、昔は<家具をしたてる>というのもあった。<したてる>は<xx にしたがってつくる>ことだ。

したてる - したつ - したく


別の語源として<sptt やまとことばじてん>の方のポスト ”準備と<したく>” で次のように書いている。

<しておく>は <準備する>ことなので

しておく -> し-てお-く -> これが縮まって<したく>となった。東京方言と思われるのに<xx しとく>というのがある。




Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Italian verbs governing <a> and <di> - 2 (reflexive verbs)

What are reflexive verbs?

Please see and read the following article to get a basic idea.


Reflexive verbs - Easy Learning Grammar Italian What is a reflexive verb?


To get an idea is not so difficult but get used to them is another thing and it takes time. As a practice we will check

reflexive verbs with no pronoun + <a> or <di>+ infinitive

Taking out those from the list in the previous post " Italian verbs governing <a> and <di> - 1 (with no pronoun).
From my drill book

accontentarsi di
meraviliarsi di

From Collins Dictionary Grammar Section
accorgersi di + infin
affettarsi a + infin
aspettarsi di + infin
divertirsi a + infin
farcela a + infin
impegnarsi a + inf
mettersi a + infin
offrirsi di + infin
pentirsi di + (pref.) infin
prepararsi a + infin
rammaricarsi di + (pref.) infin
ricordarsi di + (pref.) infin
rifiutarsi di + infin
scordarsi di + infin
scusarsi di + (pref.) infin
sforzarsi di + infin
spicciarsi a + infin

A reflexive verb usually has a function to change a Transitive verb to an Intransitive verb by adding <self> or <reflexive> <si> equivalent pronoun.

From <Reflexive verbs - Easy Learning Grammar Italian What is a reflexive verb?>
accomodarsi to sit down; to take a seat
addormentarsi to go to sleep
alzarsi to get up
annoiarsi to get bored; to be bored
arrabbiarsi to get angry
chiamarsi to be called
chiedersi to wonder
divertirsi to enjoy oneself; to have fun
farsi male to hurt oneself
fermarsi to stop
lavarsi to wash; to get washed
perdersi to get lost
pettinarsi to comb one’s hair
preoccuparsi to worry
prepararsi to get ready
ricordarsi to remember
sbrigarsi to hurry
svegliarsi to wake up
vestirsi to dress; to get dressed

The meanings of the phrases in English translation are

1) Intransitive verb equivalents

2) Passive voice equivalents including <to get xxxxed>.

3) to get adjective

while the original Italian phrases, if leave the <self>or <reflexive> pronoun out, the verbs are generally transitive verbs. But some of these Transitive verbs are seldom used as a Transitive verb independently and dedicated to Reflexive verb use.

accomodarsi -> accomodare
addormentarsi -> addormentare
alzarsi -> alzare
annoiarsi -> annoiare
arrabbiarsi -> arrabbiare
chiamarsi -> chiamare
chiedersi -> chiedere
divertirsi -> divertire
farsi male -> fare male
fermarsi -> fermare
lavarsi -> lavare
perdersi -> perdere
pettinarsi -> pettinare
preoccuparsi -> preoccupare
prepararsi -> preparare
ricordarsi -> ricordare
sbrigarsi -> sbrigare
svegliarsi -> svegliare
vestirsi -> vestire

I want to take <preparare, prepararsi>here as I have found <to prepare oneself for sth, to do>in my English dictionary.

From Reverso Dictionary

to prepare

1 vt preparare
teachers have to prepare lessons in the evening la sera gli insegnanti devono preparare le lezioni
prepare yourself for a shock preparati a uno shock
to prepare the way for sth preparare il terreno per qc
to prepare to do sth prepararsi a fare qc

2 vi
to prepare for (journey, party, sb's arrival) fare dei preparativi per, (exam, future) prepararsi per
we're preparing for our skiing holiday stiamo facendo i preparativi per le vacanze in montagna
to prepare for war prepararsi alla guerra

I am not sure whether <to prepare>of <to prepare to do sth>is a Transitive verb or Intransitive verb but sure <to prepare>of <to prepare for >is an Intransitive verb.

In Italian

<preparare> of <prepararsi> is a Transitive verb and <prepararsi> is regarded as an Intransitive verb and takes <a + infin>.

prepare yourself for a shock    preparati a uno shock

have the same grammatical structure and the meaning. But in English you can use the reduced version

to prepare for a shock

and <to prepare>is an Intransitive verb while <to prepare>of <to prepare yourself>is regarded as a Transitive verb and yourself is a direct object.

This <transformation from Transitive aspect to Intransitive aspect> can apply to the Italian Reflexive verb expression.

Now consider

to get ready for something

As you are getting (yourself) familiar with the Italian Reflexive verb form you may feel something is missing, yes <oneself> is missing.

to be ready - this is OK (even Italian <essere pronto per> is commonly used)

to become ready - this is not so often used as <to get ready> but <to become ready> is also OK and does not require <oneself>.

<to get ready for something> should be <to get oneself ready for something>, which is slightly different from <to make oneself ready for something>.

<to get oneself ready for something> is somewhere between <to be ready>, <to become ready> and <to make oneself ready>.

to get annoyed
to get bored
to get dressed
get depressed
get enjoyed - <to enjoy oneself> or <Enjoy yourself ! > is commonly used
get frustrated
to get married
to get sick - this is purely <to get + adjective> like <to get ready>.
to get used to something


This post belongs to the series of " Italian verbs governing <a> and <di>" so we must check the difference between < Reflexive verb + a + infin> and < Reflexive verb + di + infin>

Group A

affettarsi a + infin
divertirsi a + infin
farcela a + infin
impegnarsi a + inf
mettersi a + infin
prepararsi a + infin
spicciarsi a + infin

What are common in Group A ?

Very generally speaking <infinitive> portion is <a new thing which will going to happen>.

Group B

accontentarsi di
accorgersi di + infin
aspettarsi di + infin
meraviliarsi di
offrirsi di + infin
pentirsi di + (pref.) infin
rammaricarsi di + (pref.) infin
ricordarsi di + (pref.) infin
rifiutarsi di + infin
scordarsi di + infin
scusarsi di + (pref.) infin
sforzarsi di + infinWhat are common in Group B ?

Again very generally speaking <infinitive> portion is <a certain thing which is going on, will go on, >.


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

<ぶらさがる>は自動詞、他動詞 ?

<ぶらさがる>は自動詞で擬態語と思われる<ぶらぶら>+<下(さ)がる>だろうが、<ぶらさげる>という他動詞もあり、れっきとした動詞だ。英語では to hang が相当するが to hang は自動詞にも他動詞にもなる便利な動詞だ。もっとも普通の日本人にとって<ぶらさがる>、<ぶらさげる>が不便というわけではない。

吊革(つりかわ)にぶら下がる 。

子供が吊革(つりかわ)にぶら下がって遊んでいる 。


洗濯物が(ハンガーで) 竿にぶら下がっている。




 to hang 相当のイタリア語は Reverso Dicotionay をコピー、ペイストすると


   vi, (aus avere)  (自動詞)
a      (essere appeso)    pendere (da)      to hang (from)  
la lampada che pende dal soffitto      the lamp that hangs from the ceiling  
pendere dalle labbra di qn      to hang on sb's every word  
b      (Dir, causa)   to be pending

ペンダントは pendere の関連語だ、ペンダントが首からぶら下がっている。ペンダントを首からぶら下げている。


vb irreg  
1       vt  (他動詞)
appendere (a)      to hang (on o up)  
dove posso appendere il cappotto?      where can I hang my coat?  
2    appendersi      vr  
appendersi a qc      to hang on to sth 

sospendere というのもある、

   vt irreg  (他動詞)
a      (appendere)    to hang (up)  
sospendere un lampadario al soffitto      to hang a chandelier from the ceiling  
b      (interrompere, gen)    to suspend  ,   (vacanze, trasmissione)    to interrupt,   (seduta)    to adjourn
la partita è stata sospesa      the match was suspended 


以上のうち   appendersi      vr 

はイタリア語の特徴の一つである再帰動詞( vr = verbo reflessivo) になる。つまりは<自分自身をぶらさげる>で、<私は吊革にぶら下がる>の<ぶら下がる>は実際<自分自身をぶらさげる>で自動詞とはいいがたい。<(わたしが)自然にぶらさがる、ぶら下がっている>わけではないのだ。また

pemdere      vi, (aus avere)  (自動詞)

となっているが、これは普通自動詞は受け身や複合過去形を作るときに助動詞の essere  を使うが pendere は自動詞だが、他動詞と同じよう助動詞の averee をが使われる、ということ。つまりは純自動詞ではないにだ。こういう自動詞のは pendere だけでなくほかにもにけっこうある。


I am hanging from a strap. 


pendo dalla (maniglia a pendaglio)

mi appendo alla  (maniglia a pendaglio)

イタリア語は実際こう言うか未確認。自/他動詞以外に前置詞のda と a の違いがある。


I am hanging myself from a strap.




