Thursday, November 19, 2009

Latin Subjunctive -7

Result Substantive (Noun) Clause - Continued

Let us see the above verbs one by one.

'fit, efficitur, accidit, ēvenit, contingit, accēdit, fierī potest, fore, sequitur, relinquitur'

ēdit, accidit, additur, atera est rēs, committō, cōnsequor, co ingit, efficiō, ēvenit, faciō, fit, fierī potest, impetrō, integrum est, mōs est, mūnus est, necesse est, prope est, rēctum est, relinquitur, reliqutat, tantī est, tantum est

Before generalization I want to arrange the above verbs to several groups of meanings:

1) make group
to make, construct, fashion, frame, build, erect, produce, compose
fit <--- fio
to become, to be made
fierīinfinitive of fio

forefuture infinitive of fio

2) cause and effect or sequence (logic) group

To follow, follow up, press upon, go after, attend, accompany, pursue any person or thing
Ref. English: consequence

to make out, work out; hence, to bring to pass, to effect, execute, complete, accomplish, make, form
Ref. English: effect

to accomplish, effect, bring to pass; to get, obtain, procure, esp. by exertion, request, entreaty
Ref. English: impetus

to follow, to come or go after, to follow after, attend.

3) completion (coming near) group
accēdo , to go or come to or near, to approach.
Ref. English: access

Adverb. (comp. propius, and sup. proxime, v. under propior), near, nigh (class.).
Ref. English: proxy, approximate

4) integration (addition) group
addo to put, place, lay, etc., a person or thing to another.Ref. English: add

Of two or more objects, to bring, join, combine into one whole; to join or put together, to connect, unite.
Ref. English: commit

Undiminished, whole, entire, complete, perfect
Ref. English: integral

5) happening group
to begin to cut or to cut into; hence, so to cut a thing that it falls, to fell, to cut
Ref. English: accident

to touch on all sides. to touch, take hold of, seize (See below English con·tin·gent)
English con·tin·gent
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin contingent-, contingens, present participle of contingere to have contact with, befall, from com- + tangere to touch — more at tangent
Date: 14th century
1 : likely but not certain to happen : possible
2 : not logically necessary; especially : empirical
3 a : happening by chance or unforeseen causes b : subject to chance or unseen effects : unpredictle
: intended for use in circumstances not completely foreseen
4 : dependent on or conditioned by something else
5 : not necessitated : determined by free choice

to come out, come forth.

5) leaving (remaining) group
linquo to leave behind by removing one's self; to leave, move away from; to leave, abandon (a person or thing).

Adjective. that is left or remains, that is left behind, remaining
Noun. manner, custom, way, usage, practice, fashion, wont, as determined not by the laws, but by men's will and pleasure, humor, self-will, caprice
Aective. good, uprightness, rectitude, virtue

Noun. duty, office, obligation

Adjective. Unavoidable, inevitable, indispensable, necessary
The above four words belong to the subjunctive of general truths or should. And these do not seem to show result.

Of such size or measure, so great in amount, extent, value, degree, etc. (as some standard expressed or understood)

This ward belongs to the subjunctive of characteristic. As we explained before (Latin Subjunctive -2) this shows result in a special way.

Now we proceed with the above six groups and try to generalize these in terms of result.

1) make group
2) cause and effect or sequence (logic) group
3) completion (coming near) group
4) integration (addition) group
5) happening group
6) leaving (remaining) group

What is or what are common in these groups in terms of result? The text book explain briefly,

Result clauses are also called consecutive clauses because they tell you what is likely (potential) to follow (consequor) an initial action.

Potential is the key for subjunctive. Subjunctive imply 'not fixed, not defined, not specified' thing. Meanwhile result shows 'fixed, defined, specified' thing. How to solve this contradiction. Well, it is not so difficult if we think about potential of the result or a degree of the result (accomplishment). It starts from zero (full potential) to completion or realization of the potential (zero potential). There some degrees in between, from hgh potential to low potential.

full potential - high potential - low potential - zero potential
(start) - (change of potential) - (completion)

1) make group - showing the general (whole) process of the change of potential
Concern is a change or creation (positive), to make a thing or event, etc.

2) cause and effect or sequence (logic) group - also showing the general (whole) process of the change of
potential. Concern is cause and effect of a change or creation (either positive or passive)

3) completion (coming near) group - showing low potential to zero potential

4) integration (addition) group - showing a change of potential step by step (one by one)

5) happening group - also showing the general (whole) process of the change of potential
Concern is a change or creation, but rather passive - be made (happen)

6) leaving (remaining) group - showing full potential - high potential (starting stage or not started yet)

In either way, when you are talking a result, conscientiously or unconscientiously you are referring to the potential. So result and subjunctive is not contradictory.


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