上から下まで from the top to the bottom
東京から大阪まで from Tokyo to Osaka
一から十まで from one to ten
9時から5時まで from nine (o'clock) to five (o'clock)
右から、左から from right、 from left
英文法的にいえば<を>は直接目的語を示す助詞で動詞は他動詞をとる。だが<出る>は自動詞のようだが、<入る>と同じく、<を>もとり他動詞のようにも使う。(*) <を>をとる<出る>は<去る>の意に近くなる。特に最後の<花子が東京を出る>は<花子が東京を去る>とほぼ同じ意で使える。<花子が東京から去る>とはあまり言わない。
英語の場合、上記の<XX から出る>は<出て行く>とも<出て来る>ともとれ、to go out of xx (from ではない)、 to come out of xx (from ではない)で、日本語と構造が異なる。<出る>を純粋に解釈すると、to be out (出ている)、to come out、to go out、で<out>のほうに<出る>の意があり、<から>はなぜか<from>ではなく of というか、out of で<から>になる。これは英語の特徴と言える。<to go>、<to come>はいづれにしても自動詞。一方<to leave>(去る)は他動詞として使える。
(*)<を>をとる<入る>の例 (かなり前のポスト<日本語の自動詞、他動詞-2>コピーに少し手を加えた)
a Japanese house made of wood and paper
water made of hydrogen and oxygen
to get (gain) B from A
XX から得られる情報、XX からの情報、
to take A from B はいいが
to rob A from B は間違い(英語の試験ではバツ)で
to rob B of A としなければいけない。 <盗む、奪う>から奪格が思い浮かぶが、<of>は基本的には属格の意の前置詞。
XX からすると、見ると、察すると、判断すると
from the point of view of XX、judging from XX
from my point of view、
by my standard (from my standard はダメ)
この事故は不注意からだ(来ている)。( 不注意による)。
だから XXX
英語では due to や because (of) が使われるが、be derived from で由来、原因や理由は示せる。
一般的には<から>や<>は<XX (中)から(出てくる)>の意味fだ。<XX から YY まで>の場合は<まで>との対比で基点、始点を示す。
Reverso English- Italian
da + il= dal, da + lo= dallo, da + l'= dall', da + la= dalla, da + i= dai, da + gli= dagli, da + le= dalle
a. (agente, mezzo) by
fare qc da sé to do sth (for) o.s.
dipinto da un grande artista painted by a great artist
riconoscere qn dal passo to recognize sb by his (o her) step
da = by
は<xx よって>出てくる、できてくる
と考えればda = by はおかしくはない。
b. (causa) tremare dal freddo to shiver with coldmorire dallo spavento to die of fright
c. (provenienza, distanza, separazione) from , (fuori di) out of, (giù da) off
a 3 km da Roma 3 km(s)from Rome
arrivare da Milano to arrive from Milan
da dove vieni? where do you come from?
l'aereo parte da Gatwick the plane departs from Gatwick
scendere dal treno to get off the train
staccarsi da qn to leave o part from sb
toglitelo dalla testa get it out of your head
uscire dalla scuola to come out of school
d. (stato in luogo) at , (presso) at, with
abita da quelle parti he lives somewhere round there, he lives in that area
ti aspetto dal macellaio I'll wait for you at the butcher's
sono da Pietro I'm at Pietro's (house)
vive da un amico he's living at a friend's o with a friend
e. (moto a luogo) to , (moto per luogo) through
questo treno passa da Genova this train goes through Genoa
è uscito dalla finestra he went out through o by (way of) the window
vado da Pietro/dal giornalaio I'm going to Pietro's (house)/to the newsagent's
andare a casa to go home
andare a letto to go to bed
andare a Roma to go to Rome
f. (tempo, durata) for , (a partire da, nel passato) since, (nel futuro) fromda allora since then
è a Londra da martedì he has been in London since Tuesday
da oggi in poi from today onwards
d'ora in poi o in avanti from now on
da quando sei qui ince you have been here
sono qui dalle sei I've been here since six o'clock
g. (qualità, caratteristica)
un vestito da 300 euro a 300-euro dress
un ragazzo dagli occhi azzurri a blue-eyed boy, a boy with blue eyes
sordo da un orecchio deaf in one ear
è una cosa da poco it's nothing special
trattare qn da amico to treat sb like o as a friend
non è da lui it's not like him
comportarsi da uomo to behave like a man
è da vigliacchi fare così that's a spineless way to behave
da bambino piangevo molto I cried a lot as a child o when I was a child
da giovane as a young man (o woman)
fare da guida to act as a guide
fare da maestro to act as a teacher
fare da padre a to be a father to
da studente as a student
j. (fine, scopo)
macchina da corsa racing car
vino da pasto table wine
abito da sera evening dress
k. (seguito da infinito, consecutivo) that (spesso omesso) , (finale) to
casa da affittare house to let
qualcosa da bere something to drink
qualcosa da mangiare something to eat
ero così stanco da non stare più in piedi I was so tired (that) I couldn't stand
casa da vendere house for sale
qualcosa da bere something to drink (何か)飲み物
qualcosa da mangiare something to eat (何か)食べ物
ero così stanco da non stare più in piedi I was so tired (that) I couldn't stand
casa da vendere house for sale 売り家
l. da... a... from ... to ...
contare da 1 a 10 to count from 1 to 10
dalle 3 alle 5 from 3 to o till 5 (o'clock)
c'erano dalle 30 alle 40 persone there were between 30 and 40 people there
è cambiato dall'oggi al domani he changed overnight
Russian Lessons Net (http://www.russianlessons.net) に<最多使用頻度100語(Top 100 Russian Words Russian Language Lesson 17)>というのがあり、この中のロシア語の<から>の解説を使わしてもらう。これは初歩ロシア語学習には読解力向上の近道(語学学習に王道あり)であるのみならず日本語文法を考えるのにも役に立ち、まさに一石二鳥。特に<から>に関しては英語の<from>はロシア語の異なる3語に相当すると何度も述べている。
1)最多使用頻度 第8: С (со) - With, from
With の意の C (こちらの用法の方が多い)は省略
means "from" when it is followed by the genitive case. "С" (from) is
the opposite of "на" (to). You should use the preposition "с" to
translate 'from a place' when you would use "на" to mean 'to a place'.Ветер дует с севера. | The wind is coming from the north. |
Она прислала мне открытку с Майорки. | She sent me a postcard from Majorca. |
Вам придется брать деньги с кого-то еще. | You’ll have to borrow the money from someone else. |
Он взял книгу со стола. | He took a book from the table. |
2)最多使用頻度 第26: Из - Out of, from
"Из" can mean 'out of' or 'from'. Из も genitive case をとる。
Яблоко выкатилось из мешка. | An apple rolled out of the bag. |
Кофе-машина вышла из строя. | The coffee machine is out of order. |
Платье было сделано из бархата. | The dress was made out of velvet. |
Девять из десяти человек сказали, что им понравился продукт. | Nine out of ten people said they liked the product. |
Никто не получил 20 из 20 в тесте. | No one got 20 out of 20 in the test. |
a)<XX の中からのから出てくる、現れる>のから
b)<XX からはずれる>のから
c)<材料、構成、由来を示す>から。材料、構成は日本語では<で>も使われる。<XX できている>。
d)<選択(XX から)>のから
3)最多使用頻度 第36: От - From
"От" is one of the Russian words that translates to 'from'. "От" is usually used with the genitive case. "От" (+genitive) is used when receiving something from someone, 'from a person'.
Я узнал об этой книге от Ивана. | I learned about this book from Ivan. |
Я получил имэйл от Анны. | I received an email from Anna |
От этой кошки пахнет рыбой. | From that cat comes the smell of fish. |
Other expressions that still mean 'from a person' or 'from a persons place' also use "от".
Прошлым вечером мы возвращались домой от друзей. | Last night we got home from friends. |
он ушёл от жены | He left his wife. |
Expressions of distance commonly use "от". Note that construction "от ... до" is used to express distance from one place to another.
От моря до нашего дома пять километров | There is five kilometers from our house to sea. |
На прошлой неделе я проехал от Минска до Москвы 950 километров. | Last week I drove from Minsk to Moscow, 950 miles. |
Мы живем в нескольких милях от города. | We live a few miles from the city. |
いわば<場所の XX から YY まで>の<から>。
С (со)、Из、От いづれも 奪格ではなく genitive case (属格)をとるが何かわけがありそう。もっともロシア語では奪格というのがな造格 (Instrumental Case の訳)または 前置詞格が相当するようだ。
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