Saturday, March 29, 2014

only の意味は<だけ>だけか?

英語の副詞 <only >すなわち<だけ>の意と思いがちだが、調べてみる。

1. 形容詞の場合

副詞 <only >の前に形容詞の<only >を調べてみる。

形容詞の only は<ただ一つの>、<ただ一人の>、<唯一の>、といった意味だ。single で置き換えられる。

This is the only pencil I can find.  This is the single pencil I can find.
an only child.  a single child.
He is an only child.  He is a single child.
an only son.  a singe son.
the only medal we had ever won.  the single medal we had ever won

2. 副詞の場合

副詞用法の場合英語の only は予想以上に多義な副詞でこれらに相当する日本語はいろいろある。似たような語に just  がある。これも多義語だが<only>が上述の形容詞の<only >の意をひきずっているのに対して just はこれが薄く、強調用法での使用が多いようだ。したがって、使いすぎるのはあまりよくない。強調効果が薄れるのだ。日本語では<だけ>と同じような意味ではややあらたまった<のみ>、<限(かぎ)り>があるが、ほぼ<だけ>と同じような意味だ。

1) He is only a child.

He was an only child.  かれは一人っ子だ。かれは唯一の子だ。これは He was a just child. とは言えない。

<He was an only child.>の only の位置を換えて< He is only a child. >とすると意味が変わる。これは<He is just a child. >とも言える。いづれも日本語では大体<彼はまだ子供に過ぎない>となる。<まだ xx に過ぎない>と only では雲泥の差だ。日本語でほかの言い方はないか?

<彼はただの子供に過ぎない>はいいが<彼はただの子供だ>は意味が少し違う。<かれは子供だけ(のみ)だ>はもちろんダメ。彼はまだただの子供だ>はよさそう。したがってこれからも only には<まだ>と<過ぎない>の意味、<まだ xx に過ぎない>の意味があることになる。<過ぎない>は<過ぎる>の否定だ。子供に過ぎない>いいが彼はただの子供に過ぎる>という言い方はない。<過ぎる>は普通<xx を過ぎる>と使い<xx に過ぎる>は特殊用法(例:彼は厳格に過ぎる)。<まだ xx に過ぎない>は説明が難しいきまり文句だ。

<He is only a child.>は英語らしい簡潔な表現だ。あたりまえだが、この簡潔さは短さから来ている。そしてこの短さは only の多義性からきてている。


At the moment it's only a theory. 
It's only a suggestion.
She is only 21 and she runs her own business.


she was only marvelous.
it was only dreadful.
The story was only too true.    

この only は simply や just で置き換えられる。
3)Only Yesterday

70年代にアメリカのカーペンターズの歌に Only Yesterday と言うのがあった。かなりはやったので歌詞を調べたひとが多いのではないか。 Only Yesterday の箇所は次の通り。

Only yesterday when I was sad and I was lonely
You showed me the way to leave the past
And all the tears behind me
Tomorrow maybe even brighter than today
Since I threw my sadness away only yesterday

全体の歌の意味からして only yesterday を<きのうだけ>の意味で理解した人はごく僅かだろう。英文和訳の試験ではないので大まかな意味がわかっていればいいのだ。では<大まかな意味>はなにか?

100%正しいわけではない。もちろん詞的でもない。 only yesterday のこの歌での意味は<昨日になってようやく>と言った意味だ。


only yesterday - 昨日だけ

My parents allowed me to play a computer game until 9:00pm only yesterday.


順序を変えた( only がyesterday の後ろにくる) yesterday only は<昨日だけ>の意味が強いようだ。

ところで、yesterday は純名詞でつかわれることもあるが(Yesterday lies between the before yesterday and today.)多くは副詞的用法で使われる。副詞を修飾するのは副詞なので only yesterday でも yesterday only でも only は副詞用法だ。

別のところで書いたが(*1)、only のこの用法は英語特有のようだ。

only yesterday も only a child と同じく簡潔な表現だ。そしてこの簡潔さは only の多義性からきてている。

I read that article only yesterday.


She turned into the parking car only to find her way blocked.


You only have to look at at her to see (that) she does not eat enough. (Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary(*2))







(*1)<やっと、才、先、not until, only, erst>、;postID=316840085419618312;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=35;src=link

(*2)この辞書(Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary)は文法、用法の説明が行きとどいており日本人であれば、日英中の比較ができて便利で、かつおもしろい。

If only I were rich. (Only if I were rich.)

If only I were rich. (Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary)
Only if I were rich. はOxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary にのっていないので正式には間違いか?

(わたしが)金もちでさえあったなら。日本語の<さえ>には英語の even の用法ににたところがある。

 Even a child can understand a simple thing like this.
 Even a child could understand a simple thing like this.(仮定法に注意。 even が仮定を含んでいる)


Only if a teacher has give you permission is a student allowed to leave the room.(Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary)

<is a student allowed>と語順を逆転させるのが正しい語法のようだ。

4)日本語の only

日本語(大和言葉)のなかには<だけ>(のみ、かぎり)以外で only に近い意味の言葉がいくつかある。これらは日本語を英語に訳すと only にならない。



You always tell a lie.

か?<ばかり>は<いつも(always)>というよりは、<(いつも)ある特定のことだけ>で only に近い。only を使って訳すと、一般的には

You tell only lies.

 さて、<You tell only lies. >を日本語に訳してみよう。




でも<ばかり>の ニュアンスは薄い。


<だらけ>は<好ましくないモノ、コトにつく<接尾辞>と いう説明が手元の辞書にある。これは別のところで調べたので例がたくさんある。




Taro's stories are full of lies.
All Taro's stories are full of lies.


(All) what Taro talks (tells) are full of lies.
All what Taro talks (tells) are filled with lies.


only を使って訳すと、一般的には

Taro tells only lies.


All what Taro talks (tells) are only lies.


(All) what Taro talks (tells) are full of lies.
All what Taro talks (tells) are filled with lies.

の方がいいが、これでも <だらけ>のニュアンスは出ない。なぜなら<だらけ>には否定的(非難的)な意味があるのに対して<to be full of >、<to be filled with>の意味は中立なのだ。

ところで<だけ(のみ、かぎり)>と<ばかり>、<だらけ>はどこが違うか。見えにくいが、 <だけ(のみ、かぎり)>は単純な限定の意味が強い。限定は文字通り<限って、定める>で限られ、定められた範囲の意を伝える。基本的には広がりのない狭い範囲だ。一方<ばかり>、<だらけ>は矛盾するよいだが<広がりのある限定>といえよう。<定>にもいろいろあるのだ。また<ばかり>のほうは時間的な広がりの意くを内包し(implied)があり、<いつも>と相性がいいのに対して<だらけ>は場的な広がりの意を内包しあり、<一面(に)>、<そこいらじゅう>と相性がいい。


<さえ>も限定の意があり only と関連がある。、<さえ>の用法は英語の only if 、even に相当し、仮定条件がからんで複雑になる。例文は上のほうでいくつか示してある。



Reference (用例のみで解説は省いた)

From Collins English Dictionary 

1. the only men left in town were too old to bear arms.
2. you have one choice only. 
3. only a genius can do that.
4.  it's only Henry.
5.  we met only an hour ago.
6. she was only marvelous.  
7. it was only dreadful.
8. if I had only known, this would never have happened.
9. I only found out yesterday.
10.  only don't go into the street
11. I would have phoned you, only I didn't know your number. (This use should be avoided in formal writing: I would have phoned you if I'd known your number.)
12. she could interview only three applicants in the morning.
 she could only interview three applicants in the morning.  
she only drinks tea in the afternoon  
she drinks only tea in the afternoon.
she drinks tea only in the afternoon.

From Collins World English Dictionary

If it were only true! I cook only on weekends. 
If it were only true!  
I cook only on weekends.
I read that article only yesterday.
You will only regret your harsh words to me.  

This is the only pencil I can find.
an only child
an only son. 
the one and only Muhammad Ali  


From Collins Thesaurus of English Dicgtinary
1. She was the only applicant for the job.
1. At the moment it's only a theory.
2. I only have enough money for one ticket.
3. Computers are only for use by class members.

From The American Heritage Dictionary
1.  an only child
2. the only one left.
1. room for only one passenger.
2. If you would only come home. 
3. The story was only too true. 
4. I only work here.
5.  (the) actions that will only make things worse.
6.  received a raise only to be laid off.
7.  called me only last month.
8.  only just saw them.
9. Dictators respect only force; they are not moved by words.
10.  Dictators only respect force; they do not worship it. 
11. She picked up the receiver only when he entered, not before. 
12. She only picked up the receiver when he entered; she didn't dial the number.  
13. The committee can make its decision by Friday of next week only if it receives a copy of the latest report.

From Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary

1. being the single one or the relatively few of the kind; lone; sole: the only seat left.
2. having no sibling or no sibling of the same sex: an only child.
1. This information is for your eyes only.
2.  If it were only true!
3.  I read that article only yesterday.
4.  That will only make matters worse.
5.  The doctor examined only the children .
6.  The doctor only examined the children.


Thesaurus Legend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
an only child
I'll have this car and this car only
a privilege granted only to him 
He arrived only to find his wife dead.
We won only to lose again in the next round.
These news will only make you more upset 
It was the same story; only this time she came out better. 
Call me only if your cold gets worse. 
I spoke to him only an hour ago
Oxford - American English

there are only a limited number of tickets
available only their faith sustained them
deaths from heart disease have only declined by 10 percent
she was still only in her mid-thirties
genes that were discovered only last year
a final report reached him only on January 15

she turned into the parking car 
only to find her way blocked 
if banks canceled the debts, these countries would only borrow more rebellion will only bring more unhappiness

the only medal we had ever won 
he was an only child
it’s simply the only place to be seen these days


 I saw her only once stresses the single instance;
 I only saw her once leaves it unclear whether she was heard (or otherwise perceived) in addition to being seen.

Oxford Dictionary
The bar is for members only.
You only have to look at her to see she doesn't eat enough. 
Only five people turned up.

I agreed, but only because I was frightened. 
Children are admitted only if accompanied by an adult.Only in Paris do you find bars like this.

It was only a suggestion. 

Don't blame me, I'm only the messenger! 

He was only teasing you. 

She's only 21 and she runs her own business. 

It only took a few seconds.It took only a few seconds.

We only got here yesterday. (formal) Only then did she realize the stress he was under.

We can only guess what happened. 
He could only watch helplessly as the car plunged into the ravine. 
I only hope that she never finds out. 
If you do that, it will only make matters worse. 
She turned up the driveway, only to find her way blocked.
We've only just arrived. 
He only just caught the train.I can afford it, but only just.
I was only too pleased to help. 

Children can be difficult as we know only too well.

Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary

It's only a suggestion.
She is only 21 and she runs her own business.


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