Sunday, October 8, 2017

I want to make sure of xxxx. は正しい文か?

I want to make sure of xxxx. はかなりな頻度でよく使う。確かめるために必要な要求だ。再帰動詞表現のある言語(ドイツ語、フランス語、イタリア語など)を学んだことがあり、再帰動詞に文法的に興味のある人は I want to make sure of xxxx. は頼りないだろう。また前置詞 of はいったい何か?

I want to make me sure of xxxx. が頼りになる表現だ。

I want to make you (him, her, them) sure of xxxx. も場合によっては使えるが、一般的ではない。

I want you to make sure of xxxx. は多くの場合 I want you to make me sure of xxxx. の意だろう。

I want to make sure of xxxx.  の<make sure>の部分に人がからんでこないので<一般化された><確かめる>だ。一方 I want to make me sure of xxxx. は文字通りでは<xxxxについて(わたしは)確かにないりたい>だが、これが I want to make sure of xxxx. の基本的な意味だろう。したがって、これは me が省略された表現ということができる。


From Collins Reverso (English - Italian)

assicurarmi che

My job was to guide cars in and make sure nobody blocked pedestrians. 
Il mio lavoro era di far entrare le auto e di assicurarmi che nessuno impedisse il passaggio ai pedoni.

I got to make sure the file's here.
Devo assicurarmi che il fascicolo sia qui.

assicurati che

Just make sure the device remains undisturbed.
Puoi fare tu il resto, ma... assicurati che il dispositivo non venga interrotto.

And make sure no one's watching.
Ed assicurati che nessuno ti veda.

上記の例文では単独の to make sure は出てこない。

want to make sure

I want to make sure Gogol can't see Alex.
Voglio essere sicura che Gogol non possa vedere Alex.
I want to make sure not hurt him.
Voglio essere sicura che non gli facciano nulla.
I want to make sure you're safe.
Voglio accertarmi che sarai al sicuro.
I want to make sure there's no surprises.
Voglio accertarmi che non ci siano brutte sorprese.
I want to make sure you receive it.
Voglio essere sicura che lei lo riceva.
I want to make sure you treat him fairly in your newspaper.
Voglio accertarmi che Io tratti con onesta nel suo articolo.

上記の例文では単独の to make sure が出てくるが essere sicura と<be + 形容詞>になってしまって

いて to make の意味が出てこない。これでは頼りないのだ。

accertare は to make certain の意で、mi がついて to make me certain の意になり、こちらの用法(再帰動詞)が多く使われるだろう。



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